Showing posts with label Cataclysm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cataclysm. Show all posts

Monday, 14 November 2011

The last encounter.. and The New Venture

Still being in the initial 'honeymoon' period of my WoW career, I remember a number of wonders which caught my eye..

I began my journey in 'vanilla', the original version of the game. In which, the first PVP system existed. However it wasn't until level twenty/thirty-ish that I discovered this portion of the game. Heck, I didn't even have a clue about Battlegrounds. The only experience I encountered, that side of the game, was from endless Horde assaults on Sentinel Hill, Westfall.

Into Warsong Gulch I went. Being so long ago, I cannot remember much. Not enough to say whether I spent more time dead, than alive. Although, despite the lack of memory, I do recall one moment. The moment in which I acquired something, very special. Grasping, what was to be, the spark. This was the honourable rank of - Private.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

WoW Blues and Breath of Fresh Air

Let it out...

It's been little over a week since my last post. During this time I have been swinging back and forth on the ropes of uncertainty. Whether 'uncertainty' is the right description is right, I am not sure. Maybe curiosity, burn-out, the sway of interests, time and motives could be in play. Possibly a combination of the lot. Before I go on, this is NOT a half-hearted attempt at a 'farewell to the world (of Warcraft) - bleed your heart out' post.

My uncertainty comes from the future, or at least mine, in World of Warcraft. As of late, I have been reminiscing a lot about past times in the game, which seems to be a regular occurrence now, in and out of game, for many. Whether it be players really expressing their feelings or possibly to spite newer players (which is sometimes the case), it seems to be a reoccurring topic up in discussion. Though this is not a debate about times of old and judging if the present game can touch those golden memories

Friday, 23 September 2011

Class Feedback and Homogenisation

Seems in the past few weeks, among the frenzied hype on 4.3, that Blizzard have been reaching out to us, the players, for views and opinions. More specifically, our thoughts and feelings on classes. With questions such as, "What makes playing your class more/less fun" and, "How do you feel about your rotation". The second one also goes on to explain the meaning of a 'rotation', everyone's opinion counts right. To see exactly what else Blizzard is trying to find out, here is an example from Blizzard's 'Hunter Class Feedback' post.

Getting right to the point. I have a few concerns about some of the common, and not so common, responses that I've been seeing. Though, this isn't the first time that I held similar thoughts in mind. This feeling has been ever present since I became more accustomed with the game. My concern is - Homogenisation.

In simpler English, this means to "make the same as" and/or "make uniform". In relation to this post, I am speaking of the the Homogenisation of classes.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

The Darkmoon Island Horror!

What we've been seeing as fun and games...

If you took a liking to my last post, on 'The Secret Watchers of Warcraft', wait until you get a load of this speculation to fill your boots...

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Kung Fu Panda goes WoW?!

The secret may be out..

If you haven't already seen, there has been a recent discovery as such in the Warcraft world. A small report from MMO Champion, as featured recently in an article from WoW Insider, has given us a hint of what is to come. The Mists of Pandaria! In the past Blizzard have followed a positive pattern of Trademarking the name of there next expansion shortly before it's announcement. This, for many, is not an exception.

The Pandaren concept
Pandara wha', you say? Pandaria. The long forgotten land. Home to the elusive Pandaren Empire and it's people, the Pandaren. Known as a peaceful race, in a pursuit to avoid violence, they live in simplicity. They are said to have shared a close pact with the Night Elves. That was apparently before The Sundering, when their elven allies drove themselves to the edge with there magical obsessions.

Driven to recluse, the mysteries of the subtle race (Cute and cuddly) has grown into legend. Though, as of late, rumur has it they have secretly settled within the Stonetalon Mountains. With a very small and rare number having appeared so far in recent history, there very existence is unknown. But for how long..

Lets see if this is all true, in line with past traditions, when Blizzard get to announce the next expansion in coming months at Blizzcon?!

For all ages. An example from the costume contest!
Now. Blizzcon! The show of the year, for many. One, I am very sad to say, I can not attend. For those who are unsure of what Blizzcon is; A large exhibition and display of Blizzards three main titles. Which include Starcraft, Diablo and of course our love, Warcraft.

With a variety panels, tournaments, competitions and give-aways, it's got everything and more to fill your Warcraft, and beyond, boots to the brim. Releasing, seat gripping, information on what's to come, especially in the future of WoW (And expansions as we have come to expect), it really is the event of the year for game enthusiasts.

With tickets and availability being so scarce, blizzard responded to the demand - Virtual Ticket! Allowing you to watch from your own home and even allows you to catch up on anything that you miss! Brilliant or what?!

So, will you make you way across to California for Blizzcon 2011? Have you bought a Virtual Ticket? We would all love to what you think! So get in touch and/or leave a comment!

Yet again, I have found another video, which I MUST share. From an upcoming WoW movie which has spent a massive 5 years in the making, I must add, here is the trailer, from which it is soon to be released.

What do you think?! Looking forward to getting stuck into this feature length movie? I sure am!

Until next time, and don't hesitate to answer any of the above questions, or lay down your own thoughts on the subjects!

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- Jamin

A screenshot I took a liking to and decided to toy around with