A call to all fellow writers, bloggers, podcasters and producers of all things Warcraft.
Do you ever find yourself wanting some solid feedback on your site? Whether it be your layout, general writing style, choice of topics or just any kind of response.
Do you ever get that block? You know, where you just can't put a pen down to paper (or keyboard..you get the point). Maybe you feel a little stale in your ideas and need some inspiration.
Do you ever feel that your content isn't getting the response you expect? Can you not grasp why you aren't getting any recognition for the area you invest so much time in.
Do you wish to start a blog or podcast? Have you just recently set out? Not sure what to do first.
Do you simply want some tips? No matter whether your a beginner or a veteran in the field.
Are you.. Looking for a sense of community you can join and reside with your fellow authors. Where you can be among a big population of like-minded people who are willing to help you out, or simply join you in discussion on the latest trends, blog features and generally anything.
Then why not get involved!?
Simply head over to: Blog Azeroth
Register, which only takes a few minutes, and once that's done go ahead and introduce yourself!
It is that easy.
Within a short time you could be in a better place. Whether your participating in the weekly Shared Topic or getting involved in the blog of the week circle. There is something for everyone.
So what are you waiting for! Don't hesitate to make your presence in the community known.
If you have any questions be sure to get in touch, or just leave your response in the comments below. I'll get back to you ASAP!
- Jamin
I'll second the BA site, it's helped out immensely in just the week I've been there! There is just so much to read and soak in.
ReplyDeleteStick around, going to get lively around there :)
- Jamin
Great way to encourage people to check it out! Nicely done Jamin! I am working on the event I was talking to you about, I am making a draft now even at work just to get this done and post it soon. =) Im excited about it! hehe
ReplyDeleteI sure hope so :)
Ah, I look forward to it!
- Jamin
Ooh, I already posted on your latest post, so I will just say... hear hear, BA is great, a wonderful resource for both the noob and the pro blogger (I assume, I am far from the latter, and thus unqualified to testify to its resourcefulness at said stage of blogifying)!
ReplyDeleteHaha, I posted this before even knowing I was featured XD
Though, your view is just as valid as anyone's!
- Jamin
BlogAzeroth is a great resource that really helped me get started back when I was just toying with the idea of a gaming blog. Back then I had the firm idea of focusing on mages in WOW, but now I've expanded out into other MMOs and sometimes general gaming as well.
ReplyDeleteMy only lament is that other MMOs aren't as well served :)
Hey grats for being chosen for the week Jamin! BA has certainly increased my circle of reading as well as my traffic, and inspired me to write even more.
ReplyDeleteYour right, it certainly is! Your blog is a prime example of what can be achieved.
Indeed, it would be interesting to move over for some other MMOs.
Thanks for stopping by Gaz,
- Jamin
I'm on the first day and already in the mad lab creating an array of posts. Should have a few surprises up my sleeve to keep it interesting :)
- Jamin
ReplyDelete+1 for Blog Azeroth! Such a great group of people who are constructive and always encouraging.
ReplyDelete/Agree with you on that!
Thanks for the support,
- Jamin
I've followed you blog and I think it's very nice :) I've enjoyed it :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for following along!
Be sure to stick around :)
- Jamin
According to Wikipedia community has one of the following definitions: "A group of interacting people, possibly living in close proximity, and often refers to a group that shares some common values, and is attributed with social cohesion..." While this is a cookie-cutter term, it fails to convey the sincere connections we all at Blog Azeroth strive to form.
ReplyDeleteThe BA community is a vast landscape of writers made up from different levels of experience, passion, grammatical prowess, and direction; however, what we all universally share is a desire to reach out and share the experiences we have within World of Warcraft and those we interact with. The resources of help and guidance are limitless from the Administrators, Moderators, and the newest "Author Introduction" member. It is a safe place for input, correction, and improvement. But one of the greatest treasures is in exploring other writers. Seeing others' works poured out on the e-paper with all their heart like the monks of old transcribing manuscripts by hand is a gift to behold.
Anyone desiring to be inspired to craft their own story, guide, musings, or general forum for discussion should come by and share the experience that is Blog Azeroth. The quest will be well worth the reward.
ReplyDeleteI am inspired by your passion! That is all.
This is exactly the attitude, direction and message I want the be sent out from this [i]'Community'[/i]!
- Jamin